Monday, February 28, 2011

A lion or a lamb?

I am not sure if March will arrive like a lion or a lamb but the last day of February has arrived and I am working right on schedule. I have projects to list or re-list every few days for the month of March.

March has always seemed to be a long month for me.  I am not sure if it is because February is so short or because  there are 31 days in March.  In the past it seems that the budget just goes out the window.  Well this year I have set my mind to keeping the budget and progressing right on into April with a surplus.

There are so many things to look forward to in this coming month.  We have a friend who has been building a school in Haiti for the last six months that will be returning back home to stay.  They have finished their part of the school finally and it is ready for the next stages of constructions. His family and my youngest son spent their Christmas holiday working on the project and all are excited to see this completion.  Spring break is just around the corner.  The boys will be coming home for the week or at least part of it.  I do miss the kids being is really quiet without them. Oh and of course we have St. Patrick's Day. It has always been a fun holiday for this family.  One of the special things we would do is have green eggs and ham for breakfast.  Great way to start the day. 

So no matter if March arrive like a lion or a lamb it is going to be a great month.  Until next time have a blessed day.

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